
'For Adventures of a lifetime'

Tuesday 20 December 2011

In the middle of the jungle (Laos!)! - Day 21

Trek Day 2

As everyone woke up from sleeping in their first nights experience of the new hammocks we all agreed that the first lot of hammocks from the first trek were much more comfortable (Ed. We got use to them!!!....We had to :-)).Breaky was at 7:15am we had rice, egg and some scrumptious stale bread along with cut up apple and mandarin. After food we packed up all our belongings, got ourselves organised and began trekking again. FIRST NIGHT SUVIVED....Phewwww! :-)

While walking, I find myself and pretty sure everyone else, constantly having to keep looking at the ground or the heels of the person in front so you don’t stack it! The surroundings however are amazing with the giant trees reaching up to the sky and the millions of different shades of green (Ed. It’s a jungle out there). Just before lunch we had to climb this massive killer of a hill! Everyone was amazingly hungry to get to the top for food so we didn’t stop once, once at the top we had precooked rice, beef and veggie mix; I just ate the rice (Ed. and picked out all the little bits of veg that had sneaked in lol).

Once we headed off again the guides told us that today was actually the hardest part of the trek, WOO :-)and we also found out that our training build up trek was another World Challenge main trek, pffft slackers!! But at the end of the day I feel good for having completed the first two days of trek! I think everyone felt quite proud of themselves, after around another 2+ hours of trekking we reached our next campsite for the night, set up our hammocks and washed. Another thing we all survived, the FREEZING WATER of our second wash :-).

Everyone is getting pretty used to everything now and it doesn’t take me as long to get ready anymore, YAY :-) (Ed. miss very organised pants in the morning now Sarah :-)) Oh and just before dinner the boys found a fairly big scorpion and a HUGE Elephant bug! For our dinner we had rice and veggies AGAIN!, getting pretty sick of the same thing each day to be honest and a delicious cup of hot ovaltine chocolate while we all sat around the fire and watched the stars. Everyone enjoyed today knowing that today was the hardest day really relaxed us and we all feel proud for finishing our second day in the jungle :-)

Personal Reflection:

I’d have to say how I’ve been inspired, like most people, by the orphanage and how the kids are so excited to see a stranger helping them. They crave the attention of love and affection which I’m sure they don’t experience each day like we do. I never saw a child without a huge smile on their face and the smallest things would make their day. What I’ve learnt most on this trip is that anyone can make a difference and seeing that actually happen just wants to make you be a part of that community, I’ve loved Cambodia and Laos and its going to be really disappointing to leave and believe it’s been a whole month away from home, even though throughout that month I’ve learnt and experienced and dealt with new emotions I’ve never felt before and with new skills developed among the group, friendships building, the organisation level, becoming stronger in body and mind and also becoming a more independent person. I also can’t wait to show everyone at home the photographs and tell them the stories of the adventures I’ve experienced :-)

Written by Sarah Thompson :-) xox

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