
'For Adventures of a lifetime'

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

'Learn to Climb' Group 1 week 2

Night two of the Northumbria University's 'Learn to Climb' course.  Tonight we continued the work on basic movement skills and belaying using the 'Bell Ringer' method. I use this method for the first two weeks of the programme so that the candidates can climb safely without really being taught how to belay.  It seems to work and the candidates certainly get enough climbing in to make them happy...if not completely knackered :-). 

 Straight arm of the fundamentals for efficient climbing

 Kristy and Jahnese showing good style

 A little game to emphise the need for straight arms while climbing

 The 'Bell Ringer' belay method in operation
 Jahnese on the slab
 Cay on the exposed GRP wall
 Kristy cruising to the top

Cay following in Kristy's footsteps, hand holds and chalk marks ;-)

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