We met the owner of the orphanage John Tucker who gave us a tour of the little community, John was a successful business man who lived in America and decided one day to give up everything and open an orphanage for children suffering from HIV Aids. This place is the only organisation in Cambodia for children living with HIV. After his story we straight away wanted help and were offered the opportunity to paint one of the building which a family live in. Of course we said yes and started painting, 2 and half hours later it hit 4pm. End of school for the kids, they poured out of the building and words cannot describe how beautiful natured these kids are, they were adorably cute hugging us, picking them up, photos, hand games, nursery rhymes, ball games and of course lots and lots of cuddles! Everyone was so moved by them wanting to keep playing they have a never ending run of energy and once you show your not scared of them they constantly want contact and attention from you, Everyone kept saying they just want to adopt them all! (Ed. Erh Sarah I think that was you!!! ;-)) John is running a very well oiled organisation here and everyone is so well kept and happy. He also has a huge chicken coup and a pig farm and uses the pig’s poo to create gas which save the community around $600 per year. Once it hit 6pm the kids have to take their medication, 6 in the morning and 6 at night, they all also go to bed at 8:30pm as we are planning to, since we are getting up at 5am!!!!!
Love - Sarah Thompson.
Ed. We have decided to have a quote of the day as I did with my previous group; ironically today’s quote of the day comes from Sarah herself:
While sitting at the dinner table this evening Sarah was recounting her experiences with the children and telling us all how lovely they were......”They are so cute I could cuddle the bum out of them” hahahaha :-)
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